A New Experience Every Time

Many lifelong paddlers have been born out of this whitewater classic and for good reason. The Lower New offers some of the most versatile rapids and the broadest range of water levels in the country. The high volume flows match the Colorado River in Grand Canyon. The summertime levels create tight shoots, bouncy rides, and retentive holes perfect for surfing rafts. (Yes, we do know how to surf in West Virginia.)  It’s very possible to arrive at the Lower New River at various points in the season and get a completely different ride each time.

The pool-drop nature of the river, gives rafters time to relax and enjoy the beauty of the gorge in between the blasts of adrenaline and boat-soaking waves.  As summertime comes, so does the tepid water temps, which are perfect for swimming and splash fights. Throw in a stop at Jump Rock, a delicious riverside lunch, and a spectacular floating view of the New River Gorge Bridge, and you have yourself one heck of a vacation experience.

Season Class Experience Age
All Year III-V None Required 10 Yrs./90 lbs.


Lower New River (Class 3 thru 5) Full day trip
Average trip time is 4 to 6 hours depending on water levels.

Weekdays Monday thru Friday – 105.00 pp Adults/kids
Weekends Saturdays/Sundays – $135.00 pp Adults/kids

Do you want the Porsche or the Cadillac?

While no one is going to knock the pure fun a sixteen-foot raft can offer, they also aren’t going to deny the supreme ride of a smaller boat. Wildside rafts are all about experiencing every little hit and splash on the river.

They are more maneuverable, less stable, and perfect for folks that want every bit of excitement the river can serve. They also work for smaller groups that want the raft all to themselves.

If it looks like the fun boat to be in, that’s because it is.

Season Class Experience Age
All Year III-V None Required 10 Yrs./90 lbs.



Lower New River Wildside ( High Adventure Boat 4 man raft)

Must have 4 guests or you pay for 4 regardless.

Saturday/Sunday – $170.00 pp
Monday/Friday – $150.00 pp

It’s All About the Whitewater

Who has time for lunch and Jump Rock when there’s whitewater to be had? The Lower New half-day trip focuses on one priority: whitewater.

Starting from the Cunard putin, you’ll experience a straight shot of the 8.5-mile whitewater section.  With over twenty rapids, including eye-poppers like The Keeney Brothers, Double Z, and Fayette Station, the Lower New will energize you and have you off the river with enough time to go find another New River Gorge adventure.

Season Class Experience Age
All Year III-V None Required 10 Yrs./90 lbs.



Lower New River (Half Day Express)
Average trip time is 1 to 3 hours depending on water levels.

Weekdays and Weekends Monday thru Sunday $99.00 pp

Did the lower Gauley last year and the upper this year. Had fantastic experiences both years. Great company to go with.



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